

Application of calcium chloride

Author:本站 Source:本站 Time:2022/1/25 11:49:11 frequency:

1. Roads, expressways, parking lots, airports, golf courses and other winter ice melting and snow removal;

2. Oil drilling, drilling fluid and completion fluid;

3. Petrochemical dehydration fluid;

4. Prevent and remove dust from roads, mining areas, etc;

5. Early strength agent in construction industry, improve concrete strength and produce coagulant for coating;

6. Used as moisture-proof desiccant; Drying medium of gas and liquid in the process;

7. Latex coagulant for rubber industry;

8. As chlorinating agent and additive in ferrous metallurgy industry;

9. As an additive and deinking agent for waste paper in papermaking industry;

10. In the chemical industry, it is used as inorganic chemical raw materials and sulfate removal agent, and the coagulant of sodium alginate;

11. Refrigeration industry is used as refrigeration cycle medium;

12. It is used to prevent the decay of wheat, apple, cabbage and other food preservatives;

13. It is used in the production of dyes and printing and dyeing industry.

14. Food additive calcium chloride can be used as stabilizer, coagulant, nutritional enhancer, thickener, etc


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